Tuesday, October 17, 2023

What are the signs of bad brakes?

what are the signs of bad brakes

One of the most critical safety features for any car is ensuring the brakes are working properly. For this reason, knowing what are the signs of bad brakes of the essence for every driver. Below are some of the most common signs of bad brakes.

1. Brake Lights On

If your vehicle's brake warning light on the dashboard comes on, it's an indicator of potential problems. Parking brakes can trigger the alert in some vehicles, but if it persists after disengaging the brake, it's time to act. 

2. Squealing Sounds

When your brake pads wear out, an indicator makes a really irritating noise. The noise is more evident when you depress the brake pedal. This noise can also be caused by rust over your brake pads. However, since it is hard to tell the difference, it's advisable to have the pads checked to ensure your safety. 

3. Vibration When Braking

If you feel a vibration or pulsation through the brake pedal or steering wheel when the brake pedals are pressed, it may indicate warped brake rotors. This can affect braking performance and should be addressed promptly.

4. Visible Wear-and-Tear

The question of what are the signs of bad brakes can also be answered by visual inspection. The condition of your car brakes tells a lot about the functionality of your brakes. If the pads are a quarter-inch thick, it's time to replace them. 

5. Leaking Brake Fluid

There are a lot of things that take place every time you apply your brakes. One of the processes is the creation of hydraulic pressure by the brake fluid. Without sufficient brake fluid, your car might not stop safely. Brake fluid decline can be natural or due to leakage, requiring professional attention.

Your car might demand regular brake replacement if you drive it more often. Delay in servicing your car puts you and other road users at hazard. Have your car serviced regularly for your safety and durability.

Need to know what are the signs of bad brakes? Call our ASE Certified mechanics at Auto & Fleet Mechanic for more information about brake replacement and to request an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves residents in Modesto, CA, and the surrounding area.