Friday, February 21, 2020

When Should the Timing Belt Be Replaced?

when should the timing belt be replaced

An often-overlooked part of your vehicle is the timing belt.  Also called the serpentine belt, it plays an important role in the operation of your car.  If it fails, so does your engine, making your vehicle totally inoperable.  You don’t want to be driving along at 75 miles per hour and all of a sudden have the timing belt break!  

Why is the timing belt so important, you ask?  The timing belt controls the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft the opening and closing of the engine’s valves to allow air and gas in and out, which causes the fuel in the combustion chamber.  If the timing belt breaks, all these other components will not open and close at the right time to do their job.

So when should the timing belt be replaced?  There aren’t any obvious signs that the timing belt is about ready to give out.  It simply breaks! Generally, while you’re driving.  This is why highly rated auto mechanics recommend replacing it as a preventative measure at about every 60,000 to 100,000 miles.  Always Inspect your owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommendation for your specific vehicle.

It’s not a matter of “if” the belt breaks, but “when” it will break. Replacement of the belt is usually determined by the mileage of the vehicle, the age, and when, or if, the belt was replaced before.  
Many auto shops do more than just replace the timing belt.  Because there are other components close to the belt, such as the water pump and vehicle hoses, they will be checked out at the same time.  Many auto mechanics recommend replacing the water pump and any cracked vehicle hoses at the same time as the timing belt is replaced.  This will save you a significant amount of time and money spent at a later time if it is compulsory to just replace the water pump.

Have more questions about when should the timing belt be replaced?  Call our ASE Certified technicians at Auto & Fleet Mechanic for more information about preventative vehicle maintenance, such as vehicle hoses and the water pump, and to make an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves residents in Modesto, CA, and the surrounding area.